Are you looking for ways to keep your furry friend active and happy? We all know that dogs love to play. But sometimes it can be challenging to come up with new games to keep them entertained.

Luckily, we’ve got you covered! In this blog post, we’ll introduce you to seven fun games that are sure to get your dog’s tail wagging. Whether you’re looking for indoor or outdoor activities, these games will provide plenty of mental and physical stimulation for your pup. So grab some treats and toys and let’s get started on keeping your dog healthy and happy!


Fetch is one of the most popular games to keep your dog active and happy. It’s fun and easy, and most dogs love to play with it. It helps give your dog an energy outlet. It also helps establish a relationship between you and your pup. And it is excellent for teaching basic commands. To begin a game of fetch, give your dog something to fetch, like a stick or a ball. Toss it for your pup to bring back to you, and then reward them with a treat when they bring it back. The reward will help them to understand that you’re pleased with their job. This will encourage them to keep playing. Be sure to give them plenty of breaks and provide lots of praise so your pup won’t get too tired. Fetch is a great way to keep your pup active, productive, and happy.

Tug of War

There are plenty of fun games to keep your dog active and happy, and Tug of War is one of the most popular. This game can be played indoors or outdoors, and it’s easy to set up. To play the game, have your dog sit in front of you with his back against your legs. Then grab a piece of rope or a toy and hold it in front of your dog’s nose. As he tries to snatch it from you, pull on the rope (or toy) simultaneously, trying to keep him as close to you as possible. The closer he is, the more points you’ll earn. Once he’s successfully grabbed the object, let go and start over.

The game is great for both small and large dogs. You can play it for minutes on end or use it as a quick break between other activities. It’s also a great way to get your dog used to being handled and being around people. This is something that will help him when he eventually starts living outside.


Frisbee is one of the most popular games to keep your dog active and happy. There are many variations to try, so you and your furry friend can find the perfect one for you. The basic premise is to throw a Frisbee to your dog, who must catch it in its mouth. You can also add additional challenges such as retrieving the Frisbee from a high point or chasing it around a circular track.

One of the best things about Frisbee is that it’s easy to set up and take down. Just toss the disc into the air, and your dog will be ready to play. If your pup gets tired out during playtime, there’s no need to stop. Simply put the Frisbee down and give them some rest – they’ll be ready for more when they’re ready.

Food Puzzles

Food puzzles are a great way to keep your dog active and happy. They’re designed to provide mental and physical stimulation for your pup. They work by providing your pup with a stimulating challenge to find the hidden food scattered around the puzzle. This type of activity encourages your pup to ‘think’ and use problem-solving skills to get the food.

Puzzle feeders are a great way to help keep your pup engaged and spending time ‘working’ for their food. Plus fun toys are a great way to keep dogs entertained and active. The puzzles also help in channelling your pup’s energy into an interesting task and also help them stay fit and stimulated. This way, food puzzles can act as an excellent way to keep your pup motivated and active.

Water Games

Water games are a great way to keep your dog active and happy. These types of games are beneficial because they help your pup stay cool in the hot summer months while burning off excess energy. Providing your pup with many doses of fun and exercise, they’re the perfect way to help your pet stay healthy.

Walking down to the local beach or lake with a few floating toys such as frisbees or kongs will keep your pup interested and having a blast. If you have an area you can fill up with water, put a kiddie pool out in the backyard and watch your pup splash away in the refreshingly cool water. Water games are a great way to create memories for both you and your pup that you’ll cherish for years!

Agility Course

Dog agility courses are one of the best games to keep your pup active and happy. Paired with positive reinforcement and treats, agility courses offer your pup the opportunity to move around and have fun. An agility course includes obstacles that your pup has to go through. This includes hopping over walls, crawling through tunnels, going over hurdles, and jumping over poles. This helps keep your pup entertained and active while also honing its physical capabilities. They help strengthen your pup’s reflexes and coordination. It also helps them to trust and bond with you. Additionally, it helps your pup to stay fit. This is because they need to be able to quickly and smoothly move between obstacles.

As your pup goes through the course you can reward them with treats upon successful completion. Agility courses are an optimal way to keep your pup active and happy.

Hide and Seek

Playing a game of hide and seek with your pup can be a great way to keep them active and entertained. Hide and seek encourages search, detection, and problem-solving skills. It also adds a unique level of excitement.

To start, ensure your dog stays in the same room while you hide. Wait until they find you and reward them with a treat and lots of praise. While you hide try not to move or make a sound to give them a fun and challenging game. Pick an area with limited hiding spots to ensure your pup is safe when playing hide-and-seek. You should also keep away from dangerous areas and supervise your dog at all times. If possible, get a friend involved to help spot and reward your pup. Hide-and-seek is an enjoyable and safe way to help keep your dog active and happy, while also strengthening their bond with you.

Keep games short and sweet, about 10 minutes, and gradually increase the difficulty level. This will ensure that your dog has fun and doesn’t get frustrated or overwhelmed. By keeping your pup active, engaged, and entertained, your pup will always be happy.